Arizona Indian Reception by FengLong Photography - 3
Aug 22, 2012
Gunjan A.
The first thing I noticed when looking at Ashley and Gaurav's reception photos was Ashley's dress change! After seeing a picture of both her Indian Sari and her white wedding gown hanging outside in the previous post, I was excited to see Ashley in her wedding gown, and she looked beautiful! Ashley and Gaurav had so many great little details that they added to their reception. I absolutely adore their cake with the mehndi inspired designs and those stunning flowers cascading down the side- amazing!
But the one photo that absolutely blows my mind is the shot
Fenglong Photography got at the very end of the night with Ashley and Gaurav outside. The stars, the red rock, this couple on their wedding day - I don't even know how to describe it so you will just have to scroll down and see for yourself. One of the most amazing shots I have ever seen!
A special thank you to our Featured Vendor,
Fenglong Photography, for submitting this amazing destination wedding, and congratulations to Ashley and Gaurav! Make sure to visit our
Facebook page later today for an Inspiration Board from this wedding.
Arizona Indian Wedding Vendors:Photography-
FengLong Photography
Poco Diablo Resort
Hair& Makeup- Bride and Bridesmaids